LDS Film Festival

The LDS Film Festival is always an amazing event filled with some of the best film professionals in the state of Utah and some of the best films made here.  Which is why SHATTERboom sponsored the event.  I saw for the first time a film I worked on last summer called Trek: The Movie and it never ceases to amaze me how different a movie is when you are filming it than when it’s all put together at the end.  This film was no exception.  All through the filming process I would think to myself, “They are playing that line as if it is funny.  I’m pretty sure it’s not.”  And out of context, I am right those lines aren’t funny when you experience them out of order, out of context, in the middle of a desert, holding a pole over your head for 10 hours a day, but I have to say, I really enjoyed the show in order, in context, in an air conditioned theater.  It was very well put together and I congratulate Alan Peterson and David Howard on putting together a genuinely funny and genuinely heartfelt film.  Well done!

Tumbleweeds Film Festival

Unexpectedly this last week, I had the opportunity to teach a couple sound design workshops at the Tumbleweeds Film Festival (Thank you Nathan Hoffman, Danny Schmidt, and Suzi Montgomery for the opportunity and the help).  It was an amazing experience and a bit different than what I normally do.  Usually I teach college students who are usually (this may surprise some of you) pretty self sufficient and focused.

But these workshops were presented to younglings between the ages of 9 and 14.  Thankfully I have a wife who teaches elementary school and she helped me change gears and it turned out pretty good.  We used a Blender Open Movie called “Caminandes Llamigos,” took all the sound out, and replaced it with sounds we recorded during the workshop. 

 It was all sorts of fun and I think that SHATTERboom may continue to develop the workshop and eventually make it a regular service that we provide for schools or other educational organizations.

Construction Progress










We have insulation up!  We are using Rockwool Safe ‘n Sound as our insulation so we can have the best balance between stopping things like heat and cold while stopping as much sound from outside as possible at the same time.  We’ve also ordered all sorts of cable so we can wire the all the speakers that it takes to create an Atmos dub stage (so many speakers…).  Tons of work left to do, but it’s good to be moving forward.